Showing posts with label Hot Stocks To Buy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot Stocks To Buy. Show all posts

Liz Phair on Why Lana Del Rey Scares Rock’s Boys Club

Rolling Stone asked me to speak about Lana Del Rey. I wanted to know how big my participation in the piece would be–was it substantial or just a quote? Just a quote, they said, to which I replied that I wasn’t super interested. Which was a lie. I have a lot to say about her, but no sound bites. You see, Lana Del Rey is exactly what I was hoping to inspire when I took on the male rock establishment almost twenty years ago with my debut record, “Exile In Guyville.”
Let me break it down for you: she’s writing herself into existence. She’s giving herself a part to play because, God knows, no one else will and she wants to matter in this life. As far as I can tell, it’s working. I went straight to iTunes and bought her new release “Born To Die” in toto (how often do I do that??) because it was more than a collection of songs or a performance, it was a phenomenon. Maybe all the more so because she’s not overwhelmingly talented. The minute I hear the whisperings of “how dare she,” I’m interested. I don’t have to like it, it doesn’t have to be worthy.
Lana Del Rey seems to be bothering everybody because she allegedly “remade”! herself from a folk singing, girl-next-door type into an electro-urban kitty cat on the prowl (of course I like her), and they feel she is inauthentic. I would argue that the uncomfortable feelings she elicits are simply the by-product of watching a woman wanting and taking like a man.

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Singer/songwriter Liz Phair performs her album ”Exile in Guyville” at the 9:30 Club on August 28, 2008 in Washington, DC.
 what is called a sex-positive feminist. Or maybe a radical feminist, or, wait–this one’s cool: an anarcha-feminist! Which is to say that I don’t give a f— about your labels, I just want to hear the true voices of women self-expressing–smart ones, stupid ones, ugly ones, beautiful ones, good ones, bad ones, fat ones, thin ones, all of it–until the profound silence that has resounded throughout history is filled with a healthy chorus coming from our side of the aisle.
Can you picture our society, “one nation under The Goddess, indivisible… etc.?” If the president was always a woman and all the senators, judges and key business leaders were all female? Picture being forced to talk endlessly about your feelings and listen and care when what you needed was just to get something done. Doesn’t that sound sh–ty? Tiresome? Oppressive?
Yeah, I know the feeling ;) .
Lana Del Rey really needs to duke it out with M.I.A. and Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Kim Gordon, The Tin! g Tings and Tegan and Sara. That’s where she’s relevant. It’s our sh–. You wouldn’t understand.
So how does Liz Phair feel about Lana Del Rey? Well, as a recording artist, I’ve been hated, I’ve been ridiculed, and conversely, hailed as the second coming. All that matters in the end is that I’ve been heard.
Liz Phair’s 1993 album “Exile In Guyville” was named one of the top 100 albums of all time by VH1, and one of the 500 greatest albums ever by Rolling Stone.
What do you think of Phair’s take on Lana Del Rey? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

A Hidden Reason Why the Future Looks Bright for FEI

Here at The Motley Fool, I've long cautioned investors to keep a close eye on inventory levels. It's a part of my standard diligence when searching for the market's best stocks. I think a quarterly checkup can help you spot potential problems. For many companies, products that sit on the shelves too long can become big trouble. Stale inventory may be sold for lower prices, hurting profitability. In extreme cases, it may be written off completely and sent to the shredder.
Basic guidelines
In this series, I examine inventory using a simple rule of thumb: Inventory increases ought to roughly parallel revenue increases. If inventory bloats more quickly than sales grow, this might be a sign that expected sales haven't materialized.
Is the current inventory situation at FEI (Nasdaq: FEIC  ) out of line? To figure that out, start by comparing the company's figures to those from peers and competitors:
TTM Revenue Growth
TTM Inventory Growth
FEI 32.7% 20.0%
Hitachi (NYSE: HIT  ) 0.4% 11.6%
Cognex (Nasdaq: CGNX  ) 25.6% 19.8%
FARO Technologies (Nasdaq: FARO  ) 31.4% 73.6%
Source: S&P Capital IQ. Data is current as of latest fully reported quarter. TTM = trailing 12 months.
How is FEI doing by this quick checkup? At first glan! ce, pret ty well. Trailing-12-month revenue increased 32.7%, and inventory increased 20%. Over the sequential quarterly period, the trend looks healthy. Revenue dropped 2.7%, and inventory dropped 5.5%.
Advanced inventory
I don't stop my checkup there, because the type of inventory can matter even more than the overall quantity. There's even one type of inventory bulge we sometimes like to see. You can check for it by examining the quarterly filings to evaluate the different kinds of inventory: raw materials, work-in-progress inventory, and finished goods. (Some companies report the first two types as a single category.)
A company ramping up for increased demand may increase raw materials and work-in-progress inventory at a faster rate when it expects robust future growth. As such, we might consider oversized growth in those categories to offer a clue to a brighter future, and a clue that most other investors will miss. We call it "positive inventory divergence."
On the other hand, if we see a big increase in finished goods, that often means product isn't moving as well as expected, and it's time to hunker down with the filings and conference calls to find out why.
What's going on with the inventory at FEI? I chart the details below for both quarterly and 12-month periods.
Source: S&P Capital IQ. Data is current as of latest fully reported quarter. Dollar amounts in millions. FY = fiscal year. TTM = trailing 12 months.
Source: S&P Capital IQ. Data is current as of latest fully reported quarter. Dollar amounts in millions. FQ = fiscal quarter.
Let's dig into the inventory specifics. On a trailing-12-month basis, raw materials ! inventor y was the fastest-growing segment, up 42.6%. On a sequential-quarter basis, finished goods inventory was the fastest-growing segment, up 0.2%. FEI seems to be handling inventory well enough, but the individual segments don't provide a clear signal. FEI may display positive inventory divergence, suggesting that management sees increased demand on the horizon.
Foolish bottom line
When you're doing your research, remember that aggregate numbers such as inventory balances often mask situations that are more complex than they appear. Even the detailed numbers don't give us the final word. When in doubt, listen to the conference call, or contact investor relations. What at first looks like a problem may actually signal a stock that will provide the market's best returns. And what might look hunky-dory at first glance could actually be warning you to cut your losses before the rest of the Street wises up.
I run these quick inventory checks every quarter. To stay on top of the inventory story at your favorite companies, just use the handy links below to add companies to your free watchlist, and we'll deliver our latest coverage right to your inbox.
  • Add FEI to My Watchlist.
  • Add Hitachi to My Watchlist.
  • Add Cognex to My Watchlist.
  • Add FARO Technologies to My Watchlist.

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